Jinja2 LaTeX templates

This module includes jinja2 templates for common LaTeX artifacts such as tables or figures, that can be used by the report compiler library by setting the RC_TEMPLATE_LIBRARY_PATH to this project’s templates path. These templates use the functionality provided by the generate_table_data function. There are currently two templates:


Generates a LaTeX table with the provided data. It requires a context with the following keys:

  • data: Table data, as returned by the generate_table_data function.
  • columns: Column data, as returned by the generate_table_data function.
  • footer: Footer data (date strings and references), as returned by the generate_table_data function.
  • caption: Table caption.


Generates a LaTeX figure. It requires the following context keys:

  • image_path: Path of the image file generated by the source code. It should usually be in the fig subdirectory.
  • footer: Footer data, as in the table template above.
  • image_width: (Optional) Fraction of the page text width the image should take. It is 1 by default.